a photo of Katie and her blue and white budgie, Miso


This is a space for gentle, therapeutic, and accessible yoga classes that center autonomy, self-expression, and unapologetically embracing our whole selves.

Classes are led by Katie, who is a dynamically disabled and multiply-chronically ill queer woman. Each class is hosted live on Zoom, recorded, and added to the large on-demand library available to all monthly members.

We’ve recently updated the Summer schedule to include more options for practice! Please read the info below to learn more about the studio and classes:

  • There are 3 different ways to join classes:

    • Monthly Membership

      • Three different price options

      • Includes access to all live classes and all recordings

    • 8-Class Pass

      • Two different price options

      • Sign up for any 8 classes within 90 days

      • Recordings emailed to you, use within 7 days

    • Drop-In (single class)

      • Fixed price

      • Recording emailed to you, use within 7 days

    Purchase your membership or pass here

    ACCESS: if finances are a barrier to accessing the studio, please feel welcome to let Katie know. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.

  • Once you have purchased a pass or membership, use your unique booking code to register for classes.

    Go here to see the current schedule and to book your classes.

  • All classes are designed to be adaptable to suit your individual needs and are tailored to the folks who attend live on Zoom.

    Click here for more in-depth class descriptions.

  • We use props in all of the classes. You do not need to have yoga-specific props and you don't need to go out and buy anything.

    • If you do not have a yoga bolster or yoga blocks, please make sure to have some extra cushions and blankets on hand. If you don't have a yoga-specific strap, you can use a scarf or belt.

    • The Slow + Low Flow and Yoga Nidra classes can be practiced in a chair or wheelchair.

    Please wear comfortable clothing and feel free to have some water or tea nearby.


Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated! If you have any questions or if there are ways your access needs are not being met by the current options in the studio, please reach out any time: hello@KatieBleckerYoga.com

Nobody turned away for lack of funds.