Step 1: Have your unique booking code ready
Step 2: Select your class(es) on the calendar.
Step 3: Confirm your class(es) and enter your booking info, including your certificate code.
Make sure you have an active membership or pass prior to booking your class:
*Note there is no class on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
What’s included in your monthly membership?
4-5 new classes per week with Katie and Audrey, live + recorded (PST and CET time zones).
Large on-demand library with 50+ hours of a variety of classes and styles, geared toward low-moderate energy practices.
Opportunities to hang out online as a community, including a monthly meet up for folks living with chronic illness who want to connect with peers who “get it”.
Ongoing support from Katie and Audrey.
Discount on private classes and workshops.
All from the comfort of home!
All our offerings are suitable for folks with low/limited energy, chronic illness, neurodivergence, and disability.
Please note the exact time of the class you’re scheduling as we do offer classes from different time zones.
Low sensory practice.
Closed captioning available.
Webcam on or off. All microphones (except the teacher’s) will be muted during practice.
Class will be recorded but your image will not appear, only the teacher’s.
If you have other access needs, please let us know and we will do our best to honour them.
Tips for practice:
Classes will be on Zoom, please download and check the software before class so that you're ready to join.
You’re invited to sit or lay down throughout, options will be offered for both
Please bring anything that will help you find ease and comfort: pillows, blankets, stuffies, a hot/cold drink…
Participation is optional at all times, feel free to skip anything as needed
Honour your truth (satya)
Do what feels right in your bodymind (ahimsa)
Aim to avoid pushing or exerting beyond your energy envelope (brahmacharya)
Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated! If you have any questions or if there are ways your access needs are not being met by the current options in the studio, please reach out any time: or
Nobody turned away for lack of funds.